Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Everything On A Waffle Plot

Possession and be able to fall and throw

Possession and be able

A defect in which incur too often is to use "possession" when we should say "being in power," and vice versa.
The clearest example is probably the one given to all hours of broadcasts of soccer matches: This is the most famous speaker or the most unknown, it is a miracle that tells us repeatedly that "Fulanito is held the ball "when it is absolutely impossible: the ball may Fulanito be held, or what is, Fulanito be in possession of the ball, but it can never happen otherwise. Unless of course, that it is a ball so innovative that has initiative and can act by itself, that is, it is no longer a thing to become a person.
In fact, possession is the "act of possessing or having a tangible thing to preserve profit for himself or another," and, not being able to have spirit or intent of anything bad can a ball have nothing instead , it shall hold Fulanito if you have fallen into their power, as "subject to your domain or will."

How Do Models Stay So Skinny

Mika, the new hit hyper

I know (no one ask me how) to one of the most exciting singer-songwriters of recent times: MIKA and his Life in Cartoon Motion, his first album. Their sound is fresh, joyfully overwhelming ( Grace Kelly), catchy. Sounds a lot like the seventies or eighties, but also to the Beatles. They say his excellent vocal style is inspired by Freddie Mercury, but I've heard hints at the best George Michael. Experts have compared his singing and his sound with the Scissor Sisters, Beck or T-Rex.

What innovation?, Nothing is pure pastiche, mixing influences from above, but he eclepticismo is a master. You hear and you think you've already heard but do not know where. Get around the world, but it mixes and I have not been able to see where his personality, because personality in pop this decade hypermodern and above is just that, the mixture of past experience and there is great attractive.

The cover of their brilliant first album and the artist's personal website is reminiscent of the Beatles Yellow Submarine, graphic design, icons are rabidly Pop, pianos to MCarnetney most inspired. We do not seek anything other than a connection to our previous experience easy and Mika has managed to blend. A worship new, but what is new that connects us to the past, this is Mika Pop, a past / present that thrills from beginning, from almost the first listen. The hyper-which produces a cult of the new, but where the personal contribution is lost in the jumble of the old. Perhaps the new talent is in knowing how to mix. I wonder who was the expert who told this guy that sounded weird, queer, be heard was the guy.

By the way, if you want to buy or a "friend" you pass it you can listen to it here