Tracking and collection of links about Edupunk and, especially, the # Edupunkarg and Intracátedras Days Digicom / Data.
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group photo Digicom / Data Rosario 2010 |
page Chair of Data Processing (Redesign, BA in Social Communication UBA)
Facebook Project (Project Chair of data in 2009, Mr. Social Communication UBA) Intracátedras Expanded classroom Digicom / Data (Page open 2 weeks before the conference where discussions started in forums on various themes)
Days Edupunk Intracátedras Digicom / Data (Event on Facebook)
Digicom channel on Ustream On Line which followed the days
Movimeinto "edupunk, social, educational or education 2.0? (article written by Dolors Reig , author of the blog The Shell)
digital open Education: Towards a edupunk identity? (note on the blog of Juan Freire)
Edupunk Manifesto written in debate (Developing collaborative between the participants of the forums and group discussions during the conference, audiovisual presentation live VJeada )
Marshall Mandinga (Facebook User Digicom the character created by "the great thinker of edupunk Creole. See video)
Us What We Do (Video of Digicom presented at the conference)
Facebook User Digicom (here focuses all activity on the website of the academic group, videos, photos, links to student work, etc. .) Youtube Channel
Digicom (here is part of the videos made by students in 2009 and 2010) Spreading
edupunk philosophy again and again (Alejandro Piscitelli noted in folosofitis Blof, head of the department of data processing of the UBA)
fatal Oid Intracátedras Edupunk of Rosario 2010 (note on the group journeys acrgo Deadly Oid)
first World Chronicle Edupunkarg Digicom / Data (written by Della Valle Anaclara Interlink HeadLine New 2.0 )
Chronicle Second Day Edupunkarg Digicom / Data (written by Anaclara Della Valle's Blog A. Piscitelli). First meeting
Edupunk in Argentina (Review by Gino Cingolani and Ariana Atala, Data, UBA)
Education had a party (school blog article / workinprogess of Light Pearsons )
What we live in Edupunk Day (note digital AIR, 2.0 post of teachers who experienced the day edupunk)
" What's transformer in participation? (Note / reflection of Hernán Valenza, a member of the group's chair Digicom UNR)
Edupunks (Sofia note on her blog)
technology as a tool for a new educational model (note published in the middle Digital Channel written by Stephen Lucas Delgado)
Close Encounters of Edutipo (Racconto by Ma Eugenia del Zotto and Vanessa Mazzeo, invited Antonela Ginessi, Digicom UNR)
Edupunk, technology and innovation (note Fassy Florencia Diaz on his blog)
The day I discovered Edupunk (Blog written by students Communication at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
The music plays, sounds and sound ... Edupunk The melody is ringing in Cecilia's blog Sabatino Arias between Freud and Mozart!
Hashtag # edupunkarg on Twitter (over 1500 tweets during the two days of workshops)
Edupunk, expanded education and custom learning environments (Description Edupunk course run by A. Piscitelli Internaciona University of Andalusia) Prospectus with the course syllabus.
The edupunk education is what neoliberalism the economy (current edupunk Criticism)
projects presented in the conference:
Ensambla2.0 (student projects UBA Data, Project 2009 course Facebook)
Family Volt (UBA Data Project students, Facebook Project 2009 course)
The Rastris (Draft Data UBA students, courses 2010 redesign)
The Back Cover (Data Project students UBA redesign 2010)
Deadly Oid (Draft Data UBA students, redesign 2010)
Blackboard 2.0 - Video presented at Conference (Draft Data UBA students, redesign 2010)
ComuniquemosLost (Draft Digicom UNR students, completed 2009)
The Marshall McLuhan Project (Draft Digicom UNR students, completed 2010)
The Game else (Draft UNR students Digicom 2010) filing Video
classes could not be at the conference but we value your laburo! Parade SIyP
(Draft UNR students Digicom 2010) Video presentation class Part 1 and Part 2