on November 9, 1989. We drank beer in a seedy bar. I remember Hugo, a young Socialist leader of the faculty of education, recited (because the song was not given), a song
Sabina, then a total unknown in Chile. Were planning for our area, the last month of the campaign leading to Patricio Aylwin to power, and us to democracy. Early would be parents of a flawed system, not middle children of cruelty and madness.
"So am I without you ..." , Hugo repeated the smoke and the jokes, when suddenly the room erupted in a scream that filled our hearts dry more gibberish:
"idiots wall has fallen, fell the wall ...". And Berlin festival was also the feast ours. The Germans had shot down 28 years of infamy, and we were getting ready to shoot down symbolically, 17 bayonets, torture and exile. They pulled down the 12th km of hateful separation, we were beginning just to remove the barbed wire that divided by 4,000 kms., To Chile for truth silenced the truth of Chile decreed. They did what they had on hand. We would do it a month later with a single vote. The German had begun despite the August 13, 1961, our Sept. 11, 1973.
But each era has its own walls and today, despite almost borderless travel from country to country, and have democracy in most of them, we split further inequity, abuse and concentrations of wealth, patents, newspapers and the power of weapons in a few hands. I am sure that if last night, drinking rum with friends then, in that dark little bar that no longer exists, Hugo had chosen the same Sabina (now a celebrity in the country), and have recited:
"My hiding place My treble clef, my wristwatch, a lamp of Ali Baba in a hat, I knew that spring would last a second, I wanted to write the most beautiful song in the world ... I wanted write the most beautiful song in the world. "
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