Google has announced that soon will bring to light a new device that called Knol. The company has since early this week in testing and has invited various officials to create articles on issues in which they are specialists. The starting point of this experience is that often the content of interest can not be located on the network because they are signed (think Wikipedia). Faced with the collective creation understood as a tool smarter than individual which rests on the foundation of success of Wikipedia from Google is postulated a return to aristocratic building expert. Behind this experience could be the difficulty of Google to rank in order of importance the contents out of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Knol
attempt to create issues on all topics, from scientific research in general, the typical medical papers of how such a thing. Google does not have editorial control over content. All editorial responsibility lies with the authors and will be an open tool to anyone. However, it will have all the tools of social involvement for adding comments to each of the articles, write reviews of them. The content will be open and may be financed with advertising if so desired by the authors.
So will Knool
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