Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wedding Sailboat Boston


not write or read to the I, long ago. " not lack of affection ....". This coming and going. This will be in trying to be. This area with whom I am living and be with those who want to be who I am. No more, no less. We are, that's the game. The duty and the will, or conjugates are a blessing to clarify life and open doors and windows. And that I am. For some, among the wide world of others who love me, for others, I venture to dis-cover what is coming in the next corner, which will all come. These days I am / I'm a learner. And culminated el MBA. Trabajo con quienes debo estar y con algunos de ellos, ya soy amigo. Reímos, por esto de estar calculando tontos por cientos , en el viejo cuento del bisnes , digo, parafraseando a Sabina. Y somos. Des-cubro sus sueños, conozco a sus hijos, parejas, me instalo en el living de sus casas, les ofrezco la mía con los míos. Conozco parte de lo que odian y aman, puesto que dos modos es la vida... Estamos en un juego de negocios, que consume nuestra energía diaria, entre la familia, el trabajo, los amigos, el ocio, la memoria, la poesía, los hobbies, en el intento de vender aceites. Aceites!!. Y these days, I've learned over Whitman olive, sunflower most of Benedetii, which is not bad if you want to win the game. That Mrs. K fuck the soybean market, consumers do not know that omega 3, 6 and 9, are not the same multiplied by three. And finally we are fried. Always something to sell and at the end / at the end, nobody likes to sell, surely there must be no more pitiful paste that, and yet ... Here we are, and so are . One can only remember that what does not sell, nobody can buy.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Restaurants Auctions Calgary

Olympics: TV show and geostrategic

The Olympics are the biggest global event and we are existing through the media. No more TV show tracking the number of viewers worldwide. It expects an audience of more than 4,000 million people in the seventeen days of this great sporting event. But the Games are not only in terms of global dissemination, but also in their conception. It is the only event where a lot of different sports are concentrated in a limited period and, especially, in the same location. But it is plural, a plurality of deriving a number of areas of interest that are not in mere sport.

The Games are a great projection for the city and the country that organizes while they are an element of power to the International Olympic Committee. The variety of points of interest stems from its global nature, or what is the same, television representation in the etymological sense, ie one who refers to images that are produced in one place and spread to many viewers in other locations. This view holds, therefore, its dissemination through television and other communication networks.

Twenty thousand foreign journalists will develop their work in the Beijing Games, almost double the athletes (10 798). And is that without the media and especially television, no games global. Most of the images will be institutional, with little customization of emissions an important part of the countries that issue these Summer Games. Television becomes

Others sport in excitement for the spectators. But there is excitement because there is competition, the possibility of exceeding targets, suffering, sweat, and winners and losers. Because sport is mainly the realm of confrontation should be friendly and fair play as an example for generations in the making.

We, therefore, to an event that takes place live and unscripted, but on TV everything is planned. Despite the unpredictability of an event like the Olympics, pre-production begins seven years before holding them, looking for the keys to a show to be produced safely. The producers of the NBC American television, which has paid more than $ 800 million for the rights of the Beijing Games, beginning just after meeting the Olympic, a long productive routine that focuses on climate, the venues or visit the works, among other issues. However, stresses in the preparation of the show, a planning work who the potential players in the games, with the aim of providing interesting stories and characters. This forecast of what will happen in many cases is undermined by a reality in which the unexpected last-minute call for an update the previous script that television had established.

Published in the Journal of New Spain on 8 August. Read the full article on-line version

Printable Birthday Cards

A Roman Oviedo

few days ago came with two friends Oviedo Catalans, the city where I was born. Anyway, I explained that the foundation of Oviedo coincided with the beginning of the Kingdom of Asturias in the eighth century. However, new archaeological finds might rethink the history of the city and some of its most unique monuments, such as Power Foncalada , dated so far in the reign of Alfonso II el Casto. After the discovery of a source Roman origin in the area now occupied by the Archaeological Museum might rethink some assumptions about the origin of the city and the source of Foncalada. The archaeologist Sergio Rios raises many concerns in this interview