Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Average Japanese Clothes


Who among us has not ever seen or heard a statement like: I warn you that ... I inform you that ... I'm glad ... to the point that ...?
are expressions that we do not call as much attention as others, because we do not sound bad at all and yet, are incorrect.
many years ago (I was very young) this little error was committed, but there was a moment that was widely adopted the "dequeísmo" (I'm not sure of the origin, but may be in the Hispanic influence of soap operas). It sounded so vulgar we try to avoid it with such force that we did was to load all the associations "that." And we did it so hard to eliminate them all, even those that were good and we have the error to the queísmo dequeísmo.
I myself fell into that mistake and even now I find it hard sometimes to tell one and in other cases I have to think carefully before you know whether to use or not. But the solution is not to commit any of the two errors is simple. When we doubt a phrase, just put it in questioning: why do you warn? What are you reporting? I'm glad what? If in question is used "that" it is clear that the answer also has to take. I hope this trick
serve to those who still have doubts about how or when to use these two words together and, especially, will make the media and ads will not commit any of these mistakes because, after all , we can put all our efforts to improve our language but from outside we are bombarded with errors hinder us much easier.
Following the teaching of our champion, for any doubt about that, you can go to the dictionary panhispánico doubt.


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