By 10:50 am the last 1 February I had the opportunity to hear on "Mornings on Radio 1", directed by Olga Viza, the chairman of a feminist collective Cordoba, with funding from the City of Cordoba (ay, Mrs. Rosa, with UI have encountered! ) had a campaign in which, under the pretext of avoiding sexist language, advocated the use of terms such as "Combines " instead of "woman."
If not misunderstood, it is possible, every time a man said "my wife" was alluding to a sense of ownership and also used a generic term applicable to any woman and not specifically to which was attached to it. And that does not happen if you used the word "Combines," because when a woman refers to her partner as "my husband" nor is there any sense in the expression property or employ any generic term.
this reasoning is so deep that I can not follow, but is the same: the President is absolutely right and, even if it means a great lack of language as, among other terms we have 'spouse' or 'spouse' that no problems are, time is to improve our language from a sexist point of view by adding words like "Combines." Although, of course, involves having to do the same with another heap now account only with the feminine aspect when dealing with words ending in ' to ' or ' as '. And accordingly, we have to ask the Royal Academy to authorize thousands of terms including, to name just some of the most common and starting with 'a', must be abortisto, anarchist, accionisto, acordeonisto, acrobat , activist, chess, executor, almacenisto, alpinist, ascetic, Analist, anarquisto, anestesisto, antagonistic, antenisto, apostates, aristocrat, arribisto, articulisto, artist, asambleísto, ascensoristo, astronauts, athletes and avalisto.
Just What Ms. Cordoba president of the group?
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