Monday, April 27, 2009

Calgary Bedwetting Supplies

Unit 8: Part 1, Unit 7

  • Bourdieu, P. "About the method." Taylor and Bogdan
  • . "Introduction to qualitative research methods", 1 Part.
  • Blanchet, Ghiglione, Massonat and Trognon. "Techniques of social science research."
  • Guber. "The Metropolitan wild."
  • Frutos. "The interview in social research: communicative interaction."
  • Magrassi and Rocca. "The history of life."
8) Use of sources

8.1) a) High. EPH, statistics, documents, media texts.
Secondary sources are texts based on primary sources, and involve generalization, analysis, synthesis, interpretation or evaluation, is usually a comment or a primary source analysis. For example, the diary of a character is a primary source because it was written at the time and can be considered as the original source of information 'crude. " By contrast, a book about this character, and uses the day will be considered a secondary source.

The validity of these sources lies in the fact that these are obtained from sources reliable, public institutions and some experts on the issues. Before materialize as secondary sources, were sources of primary type, however, being accepted by society became sources of information true and accepted, and even considered as part of our history. These usually take the name of the institution or author who conducted this study. Such sources are much too important to the creation of projects, and that they can avoid redundancy of information, and have more clear where we should focus on further studies, ie the primary sources. Some types of secondary sources include textbooks, journal articles, literary criticism and reviews, encyclopedias and biographies.

EPH, Permanent Household Survey is a research program of the social reality of the country that carried out under the technical coordination of the Household Survey Division of the INDEC (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses) since 1972 .
is fed information through a survey that lets us know the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the population, linked to the workforce. There arises the need for information on the evolution of social reality in a systematic and permanent that would permit consideration not only of the subject workplace and seek their immediate predecessor - the Survey of Employment and Unemployment (1963-1972) - but also significant demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

The PHS provides society:
- activity rates, employment, unemployment and underemployment.
- Indicators of poverty and indigence
- Many other results on the socioeconomic characteristics of the population.

production and dissemination of economic statistics as supplied by the PHS meet information needs of national and international agencies, both public and private, covering a wide range of users.

This information allows better understanding of the reality on the topics covered in the survey, thus allowing for precise basis, work projects in various social areas.
Its objectives are:
• Understand and characterize the population from its socio-economic integration
• Characterize the population from the demographic point of view.
• Characterize the population for their participation in the production of goods and services.
• Characterize the population for their participation in the distribution of social product


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