Monday, December 31, 2007

Wella Hair Color Conversion Chart


as I hear them and you hear me, are these the last letter you read me, so when I read, hear me say that I am unable to speak and hear. Perhaps you believe that died years ...., but you know. You know that a dead year, .... maybe.

of fireworks that are made. And in abundance. Too much levity in the Vatican, clumsiness surplus at the Pentagon, many lewd and lascivious concuspicente in the bag of fresh meat from Moscow. Too much blood flowing under the bridges of intolerance: "If you do not believe in what you believe, you do not believe in anything." Bum bum, bam bam, and I redeem explosive exploited, they are always exploited by others, which are not mine. Bulky holders indecent "When shown appeared, but in a list of missing." "Guerrillas change innocent child raised in the jungle, raised in jungle guerrilla was because he had no children. "

But we still have citizens. Each year we must live to tell. Fatherland or death virtual companions. continue reading us and writing" to defend the joy of joy. " The 2008 is like 2007, and will recreate part of 2003. At the end of the day we remain the same and opposite. We are still looking for contradiction, that river anxious, his way the ocean. Although we know that freedom is just an illusion, do not tire to follow his trail, sometimes sleepy. A hug then, yes, for pure pleasure. hugs to invent new, breathe deep in the sky remains the same, we are covered with different tones in each location.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Keeping A Clean Bunny Cage

new publishing tool from Google

Google has announced that soon will bring to light a new device that called Knol. The company has since early this week in testing and has invited various officials to create articles on issues in which they are specialists. The starting point of this experience is that often the content of interest can not be located on the network because they are signed (think Wikipedia). Faced with the collective creation understood as a tool smarter than individual which rests on the foundation of success of Wikipedia from Google is postulated a return to aristocratic building expert. Behind this experience could be the difficulty of Google to rank in order of importance the contents out of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Knol

attempt to create issues on all topics, from scientific research in general, the typical medical papers of how such a thing. Google does not have editorial control over content. All editorial responsibility lies with the authors and will be an open tool to anyone. However, it will have all the tools of social involvement for adding comments to each of the articles, write reviews of them. The content will be open and may be financed with advertising if so desired by the authors.

So will Knool

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Driver's License Security Features


- "And God, Rojas. Would you believe in God?" - asks the poet Gonzalo Rojas , journalist Marcelo Simonetti:
- "I believe in my God and I speak slowly. We must not speak loud to him. In me mystical works an average game. When people read my poems of love, says, how it will be mystical, this man, almost libertine! Well, mystical lustful, if you want. Also, I think the spell love and even sex is sacred. No one can go around saying that this is a desecration, desecration of what! To me the blame does not work and I have no fault that I do not work. Is sin? Less. "

Signs That Your Dog Has Testicular Cancer

live the pixel!

From the best I've seen in a long time on technology issues. It has to do with the much hyped transition from analogue to digital. Just passed me Montse Bonet. Warning: Do not be deceived, there you will learn nothing. But surely you smile at least produce.

Via Microsiervos

Monday, December 3, 2007

How Much Would Insurance Be For A Warehouse?

Los García and Rodríguez, common surnames in the U.S.

surnamed Garcia or Rodriguez and an American citizen is one of the most common things that exist, so says The New York Times today an interesting story that leads into a U.S. Census form. States. It turns out that Garcia is the 8 th most common surname in the U.S. and Rodriguez on 9. But it is curious that Hernandez, for example, is more common than Moore or Lee, of eastern origin and in its various forms could be the most common surname in the world. What a disappointment. It turns out that there are over Fernandez in USA Weaver, Daniels, Stephens. Anyone with curiosity to check what is your name frencuente in the center of the empire and unless your family name is really rare, appear among the 5,000 most common.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Boneless Beef Rib Steak

of the popularization of the complex: 23andMe

I have no doubt. We tend to put aside what we do not understand. The media make a work about the advances in genetics and biotechnology, the complex approach to the general public and contribute to the popularization of the complex. The debate between apocalyptic and integrated 60 resulted in favor of integrated and so far the Internet and developments in biomedicine team up to offer the most cutting-edge services. Therefore

23andme will be a success. This company does studies of your genetic code for the reasonable price of $ 999. They just need a sample of saliva. Besides its extraordinary marketing machinery masterfully exploited the logic of networks. If you send samples of your ancestors will tell you where they come from your talents and your weaknesses.

claims are a mix of scientific rigor hidden esoteric record. What we needed to popularize the complex: affordable and connect with the most primitive instincts of human beings. "What you say about your genes," we inquire.
science and the Internet now offers a projection of past and future time. Now more than ever we are masters of our destiny. What does this sound to you?. Admirable connects with the needs enrolled in our genetic code. I want to remove the uncertainty because uncertainty is stressful.

I want to invest in this business. You are advised to contact me I'm going with them. I'm excited!.

Via Martin Varsavsky

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Popup Trailers For Sale Ns

communication culture as such: The new El Pais

culture and communication, all aspects of culture are communication (I would say that everything in the culture is communication, that without communication there is no culture) are convergent. I thought so for some time but had not known explain and Jenkins had to come to me with its Convergence Culture to tell me (blog on the subject)

managers have seen the country as well. Results For New Life Style & El Pais, is that the convergence culture: Communication is architecture as art and functional architecture, communication is the new artistic trends, fashion communication Armani, convergence culture is clearly section displays, in which we talk about television, video games, Internet.

In short, something was happening and Jenkins has seen. The El Pais do not know if Jenkins read but so have seen. What is important to define a social process is being able to combine individual situations, to observe the relationships between them and finally give a name more or less happy with the whole process. It seems difficult to find relationships between individual situations and give them coherence as a whole as a system: see the structures that build the system. But also we do not doubt it right in the name is an important part of the success of the theory. Although I'm not sure the name is the best convergence culture. I will continue talking about it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Email Example New Baby

Tribute to Norman Mailer

Norman Mailer has died, one of the writers and journalists Featured in English of the last century.

"If a person is Not Enough to Be a talented novelist, Not Smart Enough to Be a lawyer, and His Hands Are too shaky to Perform Operations, I Becomes a journalist." Norman Mailer

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Good Pellet Gun Bipod


" I'll kill you tomorrow when the moon comes out, and see how you're beautiful when all full of dead flowers, and his arms crossed and lips closed, as when I prayed or again implored the word ... " LM Panero

T ermina October and already 51 women killed by their couples in Chile. Femicide and the brutal aggression is installed as an expression of " who loves you clubbing" of bad love, love cursed obsession and ambition fuzzy controller. The suicide of a murderer, too. That same confusing ambition to "save the country", "make the economy grow more, give clear signals of order and strong hand," makes some within and outside their own political spectrum, look to President Bachelet as the next victim. Macho arrogance and even class, the eternal owners of power and glory, does not forgive a woman middle-class, socialist, separated, agnostic with children of different parents, governing, mistake, amend and represent different interests than their own and their conspiracies. Ricardo Lagos was in his first year in office, disaster management and winding. In his departure was applauded (and cried) to more conservative business. Nobody ever distrustful of their ability to man "statesman" and "the Republican governor." Veneration of the authoritarian father who bullies, eviction mother protects conciliatory. In Chile, there have ovaries to call Michelle.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jack Roush 03 Mustang Pic's

In The Country, Global Journal My Spanish

I received with enthusiasm the daily changes in my head since I was 14 years El Pais. At first I thought that the newspaper had changed Prisa something so that nothing would change, but with each passing day I see that the changes are more significant than I thought. I like the review that has taken the daily assault and is accompanied by suppression the intro and the opening lead as most of the news content. I like the color, which became progressively newspaper, and I like the new Results For Life & arts, because it connects very well with my generation, front and back and we are the land that must conquer a daily reference you want to win the future, because the average reader of The Country is getting older. I like that they have realized that to be the "Global Journal in English" is to open all the contents and to reverse the erratic policies of paid content that stopped his predestination to lead in English. I like has grown in opinion pages but I like less than the publishers do not call publishers and do not understand why when the rest of the subsections have titles, do not call the opinion of the newspaper by name. Have to consolidate new companies, we had become accustomed to the names provided us rare to see new ones. In this section of opinion over the pages open to large Latin American intellectuals with global debates in English or their own countries.
one day tell you what I like, which is more difficult. Well, if I am hired PRISA'll tell you what I dislike.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mortgage Amortization Calculator

Here Endesa intends to build mega hidroléctricas 4. Patagonia is a global reserve of biodiversity and fresh water. Is a reservoir of pure life. I spent wonderful years of my life in Coyhaique, Aysen . I love people and I know the defense to make its territory, customs and environmental heritage, romance is not pure green. Is the heritage of humanity and not just those who live there. If you want to join the global effort to Patagonia, I suggest you post something or link back to Juan Pablo Orrego , who leads the citizen movement for years.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Is Waxing After Tanning Ok?


commemorate my blogging two years, decided to choose a name that summarizes well the meaning of writing and reading here each week. Among All Names , my peeps that of Teresa. She lives in her native community of Saltapura, and travels once a week to New Imperial heart Mapuche of Chile, to sell their products at the fair. His hip ill, does not stop pedaling on a bicycle, carrying in her products and their dreams. His inability not prevent him from walking to the Village bibiloteca to ask every week a new book. Has been chosen several times the best reading of the commune. The irony is that until recently, poverty and rural Saltapura silent, included not having electricity. But Teresa Licanleo organized managed to bring hope and light to the community. Since then, the power allowed him to devote night owl and without shame, to letters of José Saramago , his favorite writer. Two years ago, I remember that she was happy, because through The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis , the Lusitanian the fly, from your local chalky road, until cobbled streets of Lisbon, to find Pessoa, who become shadow, stirring all the shadows. (Photo: Scott Rechler, USA)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

What Side To Write On A Card


"Much is said about human rights,
Soon ... almost nothing of human duties.
First human duty:
respect human rights"

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Can You Wash A Duffel Bag/

"sideways look, from afar they touch, smell, avoided, ignored, rub, and the shaking and rattling hypnotic everyone invents the fate of neighbor. The general sees soldiers, bunions, pedicure, the midwife, past the undertaker, future. Misers are beggars, beggars are greedy, the knights, Ladies, ladies, freaks ... on the subway. "jms

For a provincial like me, visiting the capital allows, among other things, riding the subway. And the subway of Santiago, especially in these days, overload everything. Breveintensos, my travels in the past week, I was transported to different destinations, all of which went crowd, loneliness, rumination and hope. And what do you see riding the subway?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tick Infestation In Home Natural Methods


was on November 9, 1989. We drank beer in a seedy bar. I remember Hugo, a young Socialist leader of the faculty of education, recited (because the song was not given), a song Sabina, then a total unknown in Chile. Were planning for our area, the last month of the campaign leading to Patricio Aylwin to power, and us to democracy. Early would be parents of a flawed system, not middle children of cruelty and madness. "So am I without you ..." , Hugo repeated the smoke and the jokes, when suddenly the room erupted in a scream that filled our hearts dry more gibberish: "idiots wall has fallen, fell the wall ...". And Berlin festival was also the feast ours. The Germans had shot down 28 years of infamy, and we were getting ready to shoot down symbolically, 17 bayonets, torture and exile. They pulled down the 12th km of hateful separation, we were beginning just to remove the barbed wire that divided by 4,000 kms., To Chile for truth silenced the truth of Chile decreed. They did what they had on hand. We would do it a month later with a single vote. The German had begun despite the August 13, 1961, our Sept. 11, 1973.

But each era has its own walls and today, despite almost borderless travel from country to country, and have democracy in most of them, we split further inequity, abuse and concentrations of wealth, patents, newspapers and the power of weapons in a few hands. I am sure that if last night, drinking rum with friends then, in that dark little bar that no longer exists, Hugo had chosen the same Sabina (now a celebrity in the country), and have recited: "My hiding place My treble clef, my wristwatch, a lamp of Ali Baba in a hat, I knew that spring would last a second, I wanted to write the most beautiful song in the world ... I wanted write the most beautiful song in the world. "

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Waffle Cone Recipe Martha Stewart

Amadeo expected that night that happened just as all night. Truly expected nothing but the day ended like so many others. The man was a guy in his forties, short and somewhat rested and prematurely bald. The same condition gave him a look of old, and added that it is seriously frowned and on-demand, which seemed to begin or complete their half baldness. Amadeo Luna got off the bus, which continued its race to the south. lit a cigarette, as was their custom before reaching the house, so your mother does not claim at the smoke, the cough and asthma that plagued. Calmly loaded the bread bag on one shoulder, with special joy and blew the last of his cigarettes. Came to light several times, which used to press a button to cross the street, pressed it, sat the bag on the other shoulder and stepped on the cigarette smoking to extinguish. Right index finger straightened his glasses, and crossed the road quickly.

Once on the other hand, he turned suddenly to probe behind their backs. It seemed that someone was watching her walk and was neglected. A strange aura was standing next to the round pillar of light that he had turned before crossing. He did not know for sure if the profile or imagined watching what was there before him. Readjusted his glasses, not believing what appeared to be in seconds, an image without form, and others, a figure almost perfect himself. He took off his glasses in a stupid gesture. He put the bag on the floor pan. His shoes added two steps to the sidewalk, back. At the edge of the street stopped to watch silent, the shadow, which could now identify their own face, also pressed the same button used. Burning transpired, as always in the evenings at the bakery where he worked, when the shadow with their own ways, eased the stride to leave the sidewalk directly into it. He did not know whether to flee, stay there motionless as he was, or to cross to him. He was surprised frozen in sweat, telling a cop the abuse had occurred. Looked slightly the deceased, frown somewhat stiff and bald head, while recognizing these distinctive marraquetas scattered around him.
Work: Women and bird under the moonlight, Joan Miró

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Happy Gilmore's Initial Velocity

grape leaves

" Good News:
The land is recovered in a million years.
we who disappear "
--------" The mistake was
to believe that the earth was our
when the truth of
things is that we are of the earth "
Ecopoemas , Nicanor Parra

Monday, July 30, 2007

Capital Shower Door Parts


The woman is petite, gray and looks something shy to speak. You are holding a purse, imitation leather articles, playing nervously. Opens and closes. She sits in front of me, but I do not see the eyes, but to the wall, or at the very ground.

- What is your address?, asked
- Matilde Urrutia 1333, Population Pablo Neruda, tells me

"... If you ever stop your chest, if something stops moving fire through your veins, if your voice in your mouth without becoming short, if forget your hands fly and sleep, Matilde, love, let your lips parted for that final kiss should last me forever must stand still in your mouth so well with me at my death. ... " , declaims, as if the very Naphtali Reyes Basoalto me briefly possessed an intense moment for him to hear the Sonnet XCIII.
- Matilde Urrutia who knows? , inquiero back on me.

- No, I said dry, his face contorted, as if to run away, feeling that suddenly, and because of other information requested may cuaquier recite verse.

The woman slowly removed. Another younger takes his place in the chair.

- What is your address?, asked
- 1248 Isla Negra, answer ...

these people are here because they want help to get decent housing, and perhaps slightly delusional mind the avowed love that Neruda was a paroxysm. On the return trip, I keep recalling: "I will die kissing your mouth cold crazy, hugging the lost cluster in your body, looking for the light in your eyes closed. And so when the earth we will receive our embrace blended in a single death to live forever eternity a kiss. "

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Urinating More Frequently Without Pain

A man dressed in sleek black coat, calmly entered the downtown building. Rises three stories faded as the day, quiet almost ceremonial, leaning lightly on the handrails. Pulls out papers from a briefcase. Serial papers, papers tied with rubber bands, stamped papers, papers that the indifferent employee of the inn seems to hate, but receives and caresses with compassionate patient librarian. It fits into a slight twist tie, includes the corridor full of people waiting almost despair, feeling that are unknown as mourners attending the funeral copies of his best dreams. The employee checks, orders, files and seal indolent. Gravedigger at last, says the man. Short breathing, his eyes fixed on the palm of the street, who appears between cold glass of that office. A red number on the board behind Inn tells you that your turn is over, which is the time for another like him. The metal door of the office of trustee in bankruptcy, closed behind their heavy steps.

Back on the street does not know whether to sit in that cold place, to look at the photographers surrounded by doves, palm trees and polaroids, climb the tower and fly in the morning or go to the bank to give new excuses, embarrassing excuses. A dry ice runs through your feet when you have to walk in the opposite direction to the imagined. Log in to the cafe, order a coffee you smoke on your face, drink the soda, taste the cookies and exhale light. He lights a cigarette, and finally a deep breath, as if the desired calm would have come concentrated in the delicious aroma of coffee that both enjoy.

's lawyer tells the woman to go quietly, if something is pending, he will worry about it. That their fees as they talk another day, he insists, while he caresses without hiding the little hand. The woman, delighted laughter and evasive eyes, reaches the elevator, look in the mirror and just notices that the lawyer harassed her fingers, with the illness itself that the known male and female single parents. The former Mrs.

walk far without further encouragement to sit quietly in the usual place. Sign in to local, order a coffee, takes off her coat and her figure causes look of a man who smokes slowly, as if all the time it was theirs. Turn your mobile phone, telling someone that it's done, it's over, while watching a couple of couples out there. The image no longer make you feel alone, alone and hopeless. The man looks furtively. She also looks between a side window. What is write lines on white paper. There is an aesthetic judgments about it. He impressed with his appearance of calm. As if to swallow the whole life or disappear from her forever. Now back on itself and decides to erase the memory of Alexander's phone number. Just do it. Another process, they say. Does not feel appropriate, self-possessed again remade, and would, by magic. Erases the tracks, but the indelible mark he still beats beneath the skin and the echoes of the last cries. In the morning she seems more cloudy.

The man picks up his briefcase, an umbrella fit on one arm and moves slowly toward the exit of the cafeteria. The woman contemplates coming toward her, with calm eyes, with steps sometimes detained in the quiet of one who knows what he wants, who knows where to go and how to reinvent this morning so full of d (e) UDAs. Once in front of her bow as the bow. The woman responds with a friendly smile and his eyes fixed with tenderness in the face of the unknown. "See you soon ma'am," says the man, while deposited on the table a white paper, which she read while sobbing into his silence

"After all, as is well known that in any part, everyday life is too "

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Women Need 500 Calories Extra When Pre Menstrual


" In possibly tell me I'm a comic writer, at best. And be true. I am not too interested in the definition is made of me. I do not aspire to the Nobel Prize for Literature. I am very well paid for when someone approaches me and tells me I screwed up with laughter with your book. "
I met the "Black" Roberto Fontanarrosa , when I bought The world has seen wrong. Since then I began to recognize the character, I had painted as a "comedy writer." Felipe, my son (10), I fell into grace Toilet Pereyra and Boogie the oily . After I read it in You are not going to believe me and last found in Corrientes, My eldest defects. Years later, Atilio, a friend sent me Neuquén Football Stories, a compilation of his greatest passion was writing and the comic. Borges came one notable. Several times I saw it on TV trasandina telling stories of "the table of leading men, a group of friends that met only mode for more than 30 years to talk. "Turning Together" is the etymology of the word- conversations. And imagine the lap that one could give in these talks, if each word was irony and irony in every reflection that something is announced, as it should be good irony. The Bureau ..., which once was a gallant Serrat guest book was also made. Rest smiling, happy, whirling in delirium can only laugh when a "laughing with reason, as fools do without it." And yes, I screwed up with laughter with your books, Black "scoundrel."

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Knitting Pattern Ymca

Now that I have way to be happy, I'm applying here and there. Hence the absence, and there too much happiness. I walked many days looking for people happy, making other people happy. People happy, but dissatisfied because not all are happy. And there are so many! We proposed to select 10 men and women, who earn poverty, you can to the burrocracia and increase hope. Have been wrong so try to be outraged by the injustice that bring guests to discuss fundamentals, sincerely listen and have ideas ready. Lucinda (62) regrets the killing of her son, celebrating his new house and walk every day to assist their neighbors in negotiations with authorities, often deaf, Liriano (35) presented his life against dictatorship and is now fighting for that democracy, human rights update and ensure dignity, Light (43) through the city every day to hear people on the periphery and bring them closer to the center of life, Mario (50) says that leaders should "believing is seeing "because the trust will identify opportunities and does not" see to believe "which is the most cynical distrust. Are 10 to move into the thousands. They are the early leaders School of People who have received our grant, consisting of training in public policy, a cordless phone, real and virtual support for their performance and a small monthly stipend for living expenses moneterio.

Friday, June 22, 2007

How Common Is Instra Oral Herpes

friend and I

My friend was born in the south, in the center of the periphery, illustrated in a revolutionary family and I was born in Midtown in a family honestly and anesthetized only vagaries of political , the middle class I think Franco, the dictator model for the Southern Cone mustache. So my friend was destined to be enlightened and revolutionary to try to move the periphery to the center and I was destined to be honest and numb, but little else. My friend was rebel and his mother knew that the rebellion was fighting with rebel . If you want your child away from the hole please you over the edge and threatens to throw the two together in a vacuum. While

Tejero entered Congress and Spain failed in the 82 World my friend traveled to the border in a Pick up to find himself. While I lived in fear he did not know him. He has shown me to live in fear is not profitable for fear atenazándote ends. He always comes out ahead because it knows no terror. My friend speaks little and listens a lot but their silence speaks volumes. Quick note when you are bored and listen more than talk. I understand the Academy as a way of life, he understands the Academy only to the extent that it allows you to transform what you do not like the world.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Retinoblastoma Scientific Name

The future of media, may not much science fiction

A look at the future of media taken from Engadget :

Friday, June 8, 2007

West Bend America's Favorite Bread Machine Manual


Poor guy he found needle in a haystack blindfolded offers Method To Be Happy
interested leave comment with mail.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Howard Tv Bellybutton


"The secret really shone like a ripe fruit.
began to turn on the lights in town.
Children entered their homes.
hear the whistle of the puppeteer who called you. You disappeared
"No home, no parents, no love, there is only
and turn off all lights so that we light for
always the stars of the teens who were born in your hands
in one evening in 1890 or so ... "
Jorge Teillier , The Lost Domain, 1963

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Starting A Counseling Private Practice Canada

The English and the University

The Minister of Ensenyament, Ernest Maragall, today unveiled a plan that will from 2013 that those who finish high school required to seek work in English and those who completed high school proficient in the language, which means they can be certified as Advanced or Proficiency to ensure knowledge of the language. To do this go more than 200 million to train 4,500 teachers and professors, as published today La Vanguardia.

I have to learn Catalan, I know, because I love this land that has welcomed me so well, but as I also love studying English, because those who complete the bachilleto with Proficiency of Inglés may take classes at the University in the language of Shakespeare, and perhaps better we can do those of us in higher education is to think of teaching in English very soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sims Online Pregnant Games

A Christian vision IQONS

Interview Contra La Vanguardia to Ken Blanchard , which has sold 18 million books business management. Much talk about understanding the customer, your partners and collaborators and to forgive. That reminds me of something very familiar in my education as a person I think has been very useful in life. Because the moral teachings of Christianity that accompany a belief is also a useful tool to anchor ourselves day day, interact and control the stress I extract from him a few things:

You invented styles.

- are summarized in will and humility. Willingness to follow a target up to the stubbornness and humility for this purpose serve others and not just yourself. Leadership is not to take advantage of your superiority to gratify your ego , but to put your skills to others.

- Can you be more specific?

- Every human relationship - and the business it is par excellence begins with a very clear mark.

- Eg.

- "We are the best manufacturers of EE screws. States., We like to make screws and do it better and better price than anyone." To achieve this, we have to be a team and to achieve as a team, I hope you do not criticize me in public before you have complained to me only in private.

- Is not it obvious?

- reaffirms the moral value chain. They are very simple truths so simply forget it. Ensure that team members of a family, do not forget and ask them to remember them even more times than necessary.

- How to drive then scolding?


Needless to chide her, just talk. Tell that partner who fails : "This is very unusual for you: why I get upset. If you usual, I did not bother to talk to you" .

- so why exactly?

- see, I complain, but at the same time, I am strengthening my faith in the bond, in the company, the couple the child in person. The complaint must always be accompanied by hope for the other. (...)

- Why not switch to another period?

- Because I have almost 70 years and never let me down people, but their behavior. If good people sometimes do wrong not because they're bad, but because they have not been explained well what we expected of them and, often, we do not know what to expect.

- Y. ..?

- The feedback, the response of others to every act of yours, is the food of champions. But to feed must be ordered. You have to continually consult the other on the effect of your actions cause. Though presumably the answer, the mere fact of asking again reinforces the link and the expectations of each relationship.

- If you've got to tell you that ...

- We are human and we put the leg, but that does not mean you can not correct and prevent. Anticipate attitudes and behaviors that bother and express them . Almost always the problems of a company are ego. Business and ego are antonyms. We came home with this defect, do you know why?

The full interview in the Vanguard Against

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Healthiest Yogurt Brands

business, a virtual community around fashion and journalism

You know those who follow me that one of my areas of interest is fashion. Well, just know IQONS, virtual community that wants to take advantage of networking opportunities and collaboration that provides us with the web to boost the sector and making it truly global. IQONS brings together designers, wholesalers, retailers, photographers and other players in the world of fashion. Supposedly, a young talented designer or photographer may be known worldwide thanks to the potential of this new tool. Will the new Zara, Mango will operate from the network?.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Buy Pre Made Chex Mix Puppy Chow

Pisani 2.0

Francis Pisani has talked about journalism in the Web 2.0 in the Graduate Hall Faculty of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

To Pisani "bloggers are pilot fish, show the path to journalism." Newspapers have followed some of the strategies that were opened earlier this decade on blogs and integrated them into their communications platforms. According to the speaker and can not talk of blogosphere, but Blogalaxia, because of its diversity.

Five elements define the web, as Pisani:

1.In addition to being readable writable and change, including infrastructure assets.

2. Broadband, its widespread and rapid growth has implications: you're always concectado, which changes the relationship with information.

3. integrating the notion of the long tail and rupture of the logic 20/80, ie 20% of the cultural products of interest to buyers 80% of consumption.

4. Network effect: the more the better sites people use them. Google is better because more people use it.

5. Data is the new Intel inside , the data are what make working with Web 2.0. The amount of information made available online makes work. However, the technology is not crucial enabler, what matters is the social element, the social content generated. Content


People are increasingly cultured and freedom of expression is becoming more widespread. At the same time, growing distrust of institutions and metanarratives (postmodernism) . Blogs with less formal tone to seem less metanarrative and allow the people can participate. However, the crisis of journalism is older than the technology that permits the publication of blogs and participatory journalism.

Avatars of the former hearing

The audience is creating a different culture in its relationship with the media. Not only is it important what is disseminated by mainstream media, also reprocessing on the Internet (blogs, virtual communities ...).

"Bloggers are the pilot fish of the media. It is threatened by citizen journalism, for his notion that deserves to be criticized. Indicates that the actor defines the act, divides the non-professional practitioners but and what matters is to work together. Leave it that journalists are not citizens. " Journalists are increasingly moderators of the information. The balance is changing disappears without notice, according to Pisani.

journalism not only has to talk network, reticulated media but a more general concept. The traditional media are wrong because they have to think about your site as a destination. The audience creates its text, its reading. The story is the press release but the whole of things creates the reader. Connect content and discussions is the challenge. Changing nature of news. The challenge for media is how a site becomes a platform to encourage links to in conversations around their content. You have to distribute content in an open and build social networks with users.

People like to connect with people, giving information that deserves to be saved. The People have to go and stay. Bringing news is to service the community and has a social function because it produces conversation. But beware, one must distinguish between content and conversations and see how we stand in this field.

The concept of objectivity in the press comes with an economic purpose. The late nineteenth century newspapers had much say, so read only supporters of the idea which represents the newspaper. News discovered that if you gave were winning in market terms. Today we move from a scarcity to one of abundance and the view has a new function to filter. Architecture


In the depths of the Internet and the Web is the idea participation. Web 2.0 brings little in terms of technology, resulting in changes in the way is using.

"I prefer to say before interactive participation. Participation, collaboration and interactivity are related. Interactivity is a yes or no. The participation is put online content and collaboration allows collective works. Generated content, collective intelligence and wisdom the crowds. Intelligence is a deliberative process, it appears that intelligence was not there before, Wikipedia, for example. In the wisdom of crowds: when you add results of people who have not reported a higher value, "said Pisani.

"Credibility is a matter of community" are credible only in certain areas and on certain networks.

Hamster Prolapsed Bowell

Climb up and get down

Hispanic Americans accuse us of not thinking about what we are doing when, for example, say "climb up" or "lower down" and they were right, 'up' presupposes always go up, and 'down 'would necessarily also conducting a route down. If so (and do not think anyone doubt) it is clear that when he gets up and goes whenever it goes down low, making it impossible to do the opposite. From where you look where you look, if you know or think about what we're doing, but to say that we climb up or descend down to incur, in my opinion, a clear tautology, ie "too vicious or redundancy of words."