as I hear them and you hear me, are these the last letter you read me, so when I read, hear me say that I am unable to speak and hear. Perhaps you believe that died years ...., but you know. You know that a dead year, .... maybe.
Francis Pisani has talked about journalism in the Web 2.0 in the Graduate Hall Faculty of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
To Pisani "bloggers are pilot fish, show the path to journalism." Newspapers have followed some of the strategies that were opened earlier this decade on blogs and integrated them into their communications platforms. According to the speaker and can not talk of blogosphere, but Blogalaxia, because of its diversity.
Five elements define the web, as Pisani:
1.In addition to being readable writable and change, including infrastructure assets.
2. Broadband, its widespread and rapid growth has implications: you're always concectado, which changes the relationship with information.
3. integrating the notion of the long tail and rupture of the logic 20/80, ie 20% of the cultural products of interest to buyers 80% of consumption.
4. Network effect: the more the better sites people use them. Google is better because more people use it.
5. Data is the new Intel inside , the data are what make working with Web 2.0. The amount of information made available online makes work. However, the technology is not crucial enabler, what matters is the social element, the social content generated. Content
People are increasingly cultured and freedom of expression is becoming more widespread. At the same time, growing distrust of institutions and metanarratives (postmodernism) . Blogs with less formal tone to seem less metanarrative and allow the people can participate. However, the crisis of journalism is older than the technology that permits the publication of blogs and participatory journalism.
Avatars of the former hearing
The audience is creating a different culture in its relationship with the media. Not only is it important what is disseminated by mainstream media, also reprocessing on the Internet (blogs, virtual communities ...).
"Bloggers are the pilot fish of the media. It is threatened by citizen journalism, for his notion that deserves to be criticized. Indicates that the actor defines the act, divides the non-professional practitioners but and what matters is to work together. Leave it that journalists are not citizens. " Journalists are increasingly moderators of the information. The balance is changing disappears without notice, according to Pisani.
journalism not only has to talk network, reticulated media but a more general concept. The traditional media are wrong because they have to think about your site as a destination. The audience creates its text, its reading. The story is the press release but the whole of things creates the reader. Connect content and discussions is the challenge. Changing nature of news. The challenge for media is how a site becomes a platform to encourage links to in conversations around their content. You have to distribute content in an open and build social networks with users.
People like to connect with people, giving information that deserves to be saved. The People have to go and stay. Bringing news is to service the community and has a social function because it produces conversation. But beware, one must distinguish between content and conversations and see how we stand in this field.
The concept of objectivity in the press comes with an economic purpose. The late nineteenth century newspapers had much say, so read only supporters of the idea which represents the newspaper. News discovered that if you gave were winning in market terms. Today we move from a scarcity to one of abundance and the view has a new function to filter. Architecture
In the depths of the Internet and the Web is the idea participation. Web 2.0 brings little in terms of technology, resulting in changes in the way is using.
"I prefer to say before interactive participation. Participation, collaboration and interactivity are related. Interactivity is a yes or no. The participation is put online content and collaboration allows collective works. Generated content, collective intelligence and wisdom the crowds. Intelligence is a deliberative process, it appears that intelligence was not there before, Wikipedia, for example. In the wisdom of crowds: when you add results of people who have not reported a higher value, "said Pisani.
"Credibility is a matter of community" are credible only in certain areas and on certain networks.