Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Howard Tv Bellybutton


"The secret really shone like a ripe fruit.
began to turn on the lights in town.
Children entered their homes.
hear the whistle of the puppeteer who called you. You disappeared
"No home, no parents, no love, there is only
and turn off all lights so that we light for
always the stars of the teens who were born in your hands
in one evening in 1890 or so ... "
Jorge Teillier , The Lost Domain, 1963

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Starting A Counseling Private Practice Canada

The English and the University

The Minister of Ensenyament, Ernest Maragall, today unveiled a plan that will from 2013 that those who finish high school required to seek work in English and those who completed high school proficient in the language, which means they can be certified as Advanced or Proficiency to ensure knowledge of the language. To do this go more than 200 million to train 4,500 teachers and professors, as published today La Vanguardia.

I have to learn Catalan, I know, because I love this land that has welcomed me so well, but as I also love studying English, because those who complete the bachilleto with Proficiency of Inglés may take classes at the University in the language of Shakespeare, and perhaps better we can do those of us in higher education is to think of teaching in English very soon.

Friday, May 25, 2007

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A Christian vision IQONS

Interview Contra La Vanguardia to Ken Blanchard , which has sold 18 million books business management. Much talk about understanding the customer, your partners and collaborators and to forgive. That reminds me of something very familiar in my education as a person I think has been very useful in life. Because the moral teachings of Christianity that accompany a belief is also a useful tool to anchor ourselves day day, interact and control the stress I extract from him a few things:

You invented styles.

- are summarized in will and humility. Willingness to follow a target up to the stubbornness and humility for this purpose serve others and not just yourself. Leadership is not to take advantage of your superiority to gratify your ego , but to put your skills to others.

- Can you be more specific?

- Every human relationship - and the business it is par excellence begins with a very clear mark.

- Eg.

- "We are the best manufacturers of EE screws. States., We like to make screws and do it better and better price than anyone." To achieve this, we have to be a team and to achieve as a team, I hope you do not criticize me in public before you have complained to me only in private.

- Is not it obvious?

- reaffirms the moral value chain. They are very simple truths so simply forget it. Ensure that team members of a family, do not forget and ask them to remember them even more times than necessary.

- How to drive then scolding?


Needless to chide her, just talk. Tell that partner who fails : "This is very unusual for you: why I get upset. If you usual, I did not bother to talk to you" .

- so why exactly?

- see, I complain, but at the same time, I am strengthening my faith in the bond, in the company, the couple the child in person. The complaint must always be accompanied by hope for the other. (...)

- Why not switch to another period?

- Because I have almost 70 years and never let me down people, but their behavior. If good people sometimes do wrong not because they're bad, but because they have not been explained well what we expected of them and, often, we do not know what to expect.

- Y. ..?

- The feedback, the response of others to every act of yours, is the food of champions. But to feed must be ordered. You have to continually consult the other on the effect of your actions cause. Though presumably the answer, the mere fact of asking again reinforces the link and the expectations of each relationship.

- If you've got to tell you that ...

- We are human and we put the leg, but that does not mean you can not correct and prevent. Anticipate attitudes and behaviors that bother and express them . Almost always the problems of a company are ego. Business and ego are antonyms. We came home with this defect, do you know why?

The full interview in the Vanguard Against

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

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business, a virtual community around fashion and journalism

You know those who follow me that one of my areas of interest is fashion. Well, just know IQONS, virtual community that wants to take advantage of networking opportunities and collaboration that provides us with the web to boost the sector and making it truly global. IQONS brings together designers, wholesalers, retailers, photographers and other players in the world of fashion. Supposedly, a young talented designer or photographer may be known worldwide thanks to the potential of this new tool. Will the new Zara, Mango will operate from the network?.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

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Pisani 2.0

Francis Pisani has talked about journalism in the Web 2.0 in the Graduate Hall Faculty of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

To Pisani "bloggers are pilot fish, show the path to journalism." Newspapers have followed some of the strategies that were opened earlier this decade on blogs and integrated them into their communications platforms. According to the speaker and can not talk of blogosphere, but Blogalaxia, because of its diversity.

Five elements define the web, as Pisani:

1.In addition to being readable writable and change, including infrastructure assets.

2. Broadband, its widespread and rapid growth has implications: you're always concectado, which changes the relationship with information.

3. integrating the notion of the long tail and rupture of the logic 20/80, ie 20% of the cultural products of interest to buyers 80% of consumption.

4. Network effect: the more the better sites people use them. Google is better because more people use it.

5. Data is the new Intel inside , the data are what make working with Web 2.0. The amount of information made available online makes work. However, the technology is not crucial enabler, what matters is the social element, the social content generated. Content


People are increasingly cultured and freedom of expression is becoming more widespread. At the same time, growing distrust of institutions and metanarratives (postmodernism) . Blogs with less formal tone to seem less metanarrative and allow the people can participate. However, the crisis of journalism is older than the technology that permits the publication of blogs and participatory journalism.

Avatars of the former hearing

The audience is creating a different culture in its relationship with the media. Not only is it important what is disseminated by mainstream media, also reprocessing on the Internet (blogs, virtual communities ...).

"Bloggers are the pilot fish of the media. It is threatened by citizen journalism, for his notion that deserves to be criticized. Indicates that the actor defines the act, divides the non-professional practitioners but and what matters is to work together. Leave it that journalists are not citizens. " Journalists are increasingly moderators of the information. The balance is changing disappears without notice, according to Pisani.

journalism not only has to talk network, reticulated media but a more general concept. The traditional media are wrong because they have to think about your site as a destination. The audience creates its text, its reading. The story is the press release but the whole of things creates the reader. Connect content and discussions is the challenge. Changing nature of news. The challenge for media is how a site becomes a platform to encourage links to in conversations around their content. You have to distribute content in an open and build social networks with users.

People like to connect with people, giving information that deserves to be saved. The People have to go and stay. Bringing news is to service the community and has a social function because it produces conversation. But beware, one must distinguish between content and conversations and see how we stand in this field.

The concept of objectivity in the press comes with an economic purpose. The late nineteenth century newspapers had much say, so read only supporters of the idea which represents the newspaper. News discovered that if you gave were winning in market terms. Today we move from a scarcity to one of abundance and the view has a new function to filter. Architecture


In the depths of the Internet and the Web is the idea participation. Web 2.0 brings little in terms of technology, resulting in changes in the way is using.

"I prefer to say before interactive participation. Participation, collaboration and interactivity are related. Interactivity is a yes or no. The participation is put online content and collaboration allows collective works. Generated content, collective intelligence and wisdom the crowds. Intelligence is a deliberative process, it appears that intelligence was not there before, Wikipedia, for example. In the wisdom of crowds: when you add results of people who have not reported a higher value, "said Pisani.

"Credibility is a matter of community" are credible only in certain areas and on certain networks.

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Climb up and get down

Hispanic Americans accuse us of not thinking about what we are doing when, for example, say "climb up" or "lower down" and they were right, 'up' presupposes always go up, and 'down 'would necessarily also conducting a route down. If so (and do not think anyone doubt) it is clear that when he gets up and goes whenever it goes down low, making it impossible to do the opposite. From where you look where you look, if you know or think about what we're doing, but to say that we climb up or descend down to incur, in my opinion, a clear tautology, ie "too vicious or redundancy of words."

Sunday, May 6, 2007

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Murdoch knows what this is

I saw Paco Vacas via a very interesting number of Forbes Internet network dedicated to him and extract a part of Rupert Murdoch article appearing in it. Regarding the changes that News Corporation is adapting very well highlights the Australian-born U.S. billionaire:

The good news is that we are learning--and fast. Take the type of media I know best--news. News is in more demand than ever, but the vast network of Internet-savvy news junkies want their news with several fresh twists: constantly updated, relevant to their daily lives, complete with commentary and analysis, and presented in a way that allows them to interact not just with the news but with each other about the news. They won't wait until six o'clock to watch the news on television or until the next morning to read it in isolation. This plainly provides a challenge for news providers but also an opportunity to be far more engaged with the audience
Admiro a este tío (perdón por lo de tío) tiene casi ochenta años y le circula más sangre by the body to me right now, a fact which you do not believe that I am proud. It says to finish: We do not have all the answers, but we are willing to continue innovating and researching for this media by networks has enormous potential.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

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involvement, participation and involvement: we really want participate?

When I started working on my thesis on cable TV services interactivity called him, was the magic word or killer application, voice of fashion for those late nineties. Now they call participation: participatory journalism, or blogs, but these same dynamics are also present in new forms of political organization ( Castells says that the era of the information you need for retraining of the forms of political participation ), in health, in education (Bologna leads to the students construct their knowledge with the help of the teacher) in the TV: I just met a new form of participatory television (via Periodistas21 ) with chats that allow comment on what you're watching or editing tools that enable them to easily publish and distribute our audio-visual creations. is more flexible than Youtube and gives us tools to engage and build our own custom channel or contribute content to overall emissions. Also broadcast live.

Do people really want to participate en masse, or are just a few of us involved in this new dynamic and life goes on for the vast majority?.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

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Edgar Morin or return the secular and republican critinianismo

Every Sunday I welcome the press as a ritual that will bring surprises me, because for me the unexpected is rated as intense as the fullness for the hungry. found Sunday in the Country (sorry to charges) an old classic, Edgar Morin, brings us last remnants of a beautiful and hopeful. Maybe lately I only read about technology and I'm too steeped in issues like globalization, convergence and the economy or not read more than papers extolling liberalism or, conversely, rancid written in a leftie who complains that things are not working but provides solutions. Morin's article takes me about 60 years but had not lived to be extremely encouraging.

If I were a candidate is an article where an intellectual class (in Spain we do not have) makes concrete proposals to take forward the country. Talk to recover the fraternity and proposed:

"I will propose to revitalize the fraternity, underdeveloped within the republican trilogy. First, it will encourage the creation of fraternity houses in cities and neighborhoods of cities like Paris. These houses would welcome all the institutions of a solidarity that already exist (Secours Populaire, Secours Catholique, SOS Amitié, etc.) and include new services in an emergency intervention on moral or material, ready to save the sinking of both the victims of drug overdose and those who suffer any penalty. Would focus on initiatives, mediation, support, information, voluntary and permanent mobilization.

At the same time, we should establish a Civic Service Fraternity that was present in these houses and also capsized in collective disaster, not only in France but in Europe and the Mediterranean. Thus, the fraternity would be truly integrated and live in the reformed society we want. "

" shall indicate the way to a civilization that revives political solidarity, selfishness and retract deeper reform society and our lives. Our civilization is in crisis. The material well-being in places that has come, has not always contributed to the mental, as evidenced by the conspicuous consumption of drugs, sedatives, antidepressants and sleeping pills. Economic development has not provided moral development. The application of the calculation, the timing, the hyper and partitioning to work, businesses, governments and even our lives, has led too often, the deterioration of solidarity, the general bureaucratization, loss of initiative and fear responsibility ".

" Since the current direction of our civilization favors quantity, calculation, having, I will devote my efforts to a broader policy to improve the quality of life. In this sense, I'll favor everything that serves to combat the various elements that degrade the atmosphere, food, water and health. All energy savings should be in good health and quality of life. For example, the automotive detox centers of cities, which will result in a decrease in cases of bronchitis, asthma and psychosomatic illnesses. Detoxification of groundwater will reduce agriculture and factory farming in favor of traditional agriculture that will restore the quality of food and consumer health. "

Morin is a lay Christian, left-wing Republican and by example and their experiences is to revive a country that seems asleep, but wake up sooner rather than later, with Sarkozy or Royal.

why France, Despite the crisis, remains the leader. He still has a number of intellectuals who propose solutions and extend its influence throughout Europe and the world. From the industrial point of view has three automotive brands with great presence, which combine advanced mechanical design and world leaders in food distrubution (Carrefour), in the production of dairy products (Danone) and in the luxury industry fashion (LVMH), among others. In our immediate environment is a lot to walk and when we will be left to crumble the foundation of our growth dummy, come on, when the bricks fall, which God knows, I would not want to happen.