Sunday, May 6, 2007

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Murdoch knows what this is

I saw Paco Vacas via a very interesting number of Forbes Internet network dedicated to him and extract a part of Rupert Murdoch article appearing in it. Regarding the changes that News Corporation is adapting very well highlights the Australian-born U.S. billionaire:

The good news is that we are learning--and fast. Take the type of media I know best--news. News is in more demand than ever, but the vast network of Internet-savvy news junkies want their news with several fresh twists: constantly updated, relevant to their daily lives, complete with commentary and analysis, and presented in a way that allows them to interact not just with the news but with each other about the news. They won't wait until six o'clock to watch the news on television or until the next morning to read it in isolation. This plainly provides a challenge for news providers but also an opportunity to be far more engaged with the audience
Admiro a este tío (perdón por lo de tío) tiene casi ochenta años y le circula más sangre by the body to me right now, a fact which you do not believe that I am proud. It says to finish: We do not have all the answers, but we are willing to continue innovating and researching for this media by networks has enormous potential.


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