Thursday, May 3, 2007

Surgery On Parenthesis Legs

involvement, participation and involvement: we really want participate?

When I started working on my thesis on cable TV services interactivity called him, was the magic word or killer application, voice of fashion for those late nineties. Now they call participation: participatory journalism, or blogs, but these same dynamics are also present in new forms of political organization ( Castells says that the era of the information you need for retraining of the forms of political participation ), in health, in education (Bologna leads to the students construct their knowledge with the help of the teacher) in the TV: I just met a new form of participatory television (via Periodistas21 ) with chats that allow comment on what you're watching or editing tools that enable them to easily publish and distribute our audio-visual creations. is more flexible than Youtube and gives us tools to engage and build our own custom channel or contribute content to overall emissions. Also broadcast live.

Do people really want to participate en masse, or are just a few of us involved in this new dynamic and life goes on for the vast majority?.


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